Extradural decompression versus duraplasty in Chiari malformation type I with syrinx: outcomes on scoliosis from the Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium
Ahmed RaheelAlbert Gregory WHankinson Todd CStone Scellig S DMapstone Timothy B + 64 more Park Tae SungAldana Philipp RIantosca MarkStrahle Jennifer MMcComb J GordonSmith JodiAlden Tord DIskandar Bermans JTuite Gerald FRn Thanda MeehanRagheb JohnAnderson Richard C EJackson Eric MWait Scott DMuhlbauer MichaelGreene StephanieBauer David FKeating Robert FWhitehead William EOakes W JerrySmyth Matthew DBethel Anderson TammyKrieger Mark DBaird Lissa CBrockmeyer Douglas LCouture Daniel ELeonard Jeffrey RGeorge Timothy MJohnston James MDaniels David JMaher Cormac OSadler BrookeGrant Gerald ADurham Susan RMangano Francesco TSkidmore AlexWellons John C IIIEllenbogen Richard GMcEvoy Sean DGewirtz JordanLimbrick David D JrEskandari RaminMenezes Arnold HHaller GabeDlouhy Brian JFuchs Herbert EO'Neill Brent RAverill ChristineAdelson P DavidGraupman Patrick COlavarria GregBierbrauer Karin SBonfield Christopher MGreenfield Jeffrey PSelden Nathan RMd Gregory G HeuerChern Joshua JGross Naina LShah Manish NJea Andrew HAckerman Laurie LGuillaume Daniel JShannon Chevis NKhan Nickalus
Date: June 18, 2021Please create a free account or log in to view this item
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