Use of magnetic resonance imaging in severe pediatric traumatic brain injury: assessment of current practice
Agrawal ShrutiLaRovere KerriRamakrishnan Kesava AnanthFerrazzano PeterMahoney Sarah + 56 more Balcells JoanWinkler MargaretPineda JoseGupta DeepakRobertson CourtneyBorasino SantiagoSarnaik AjitBeca JohnGertz ShiraNatale JoanneLoftis LauraDeep AkashGiza ChristopherMorris KevinCooper SianHilfiker MaryWainwright MarkPiper LaurenMurphy SarahShellington DavidWalson KarenSlater AnthonyKuluz JohnFigaji AnthonyFerrazzano Peter ABennett TellenButt WarwickNewell ElizabethRosario Bedda LKilbaugh ToddO'Brien NicoleTruemper EdwardWisniewski Stephen RO'Meara A M IqbalThomas NealClark RobertShafi Nadeem IDean NathanButtram SandraNewth KitSiefkes Heather MChima Ranjit SErickson SimonShafi NadeemMiles Darryl KBiagas KatherineSamuel J MahilMiles DarrylAlexander Andrew LWildschut EnnoAgbeko RachelSchober MichelleBell Michael JPeters MarkEdwards RichardZimmerman Jerry
Date: February 8, 2019Please create a free account or log in to view this item
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