Extradural decompression versus duraplasty in Chiari malformation type I with syrinx: outcomes on scoliosis from the Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium
Ackerman Laurie LAdelson P DavidAhmed RaheelAlbert Gregory WAldana Philipp R + 64 more Alden Tord DAnderson Richard C EAverill ChristineBaird Lissa CBauer David FBethel Anderson TammyBierbrauer Karin SBonfield Christopher MBrockmeyer Douglas LChern Joshua JCouture Daniel EDaniels David JDlouhy Brian JDurham Susan REllenbogen Richard GEskandari RaminFuchs Herbert EGeorge Timothy MGewirtz JordanGrant Gerald AGraupman Patrick CGreene StephanieGreenfield Jeffrey PGross Naina LGuillaume Daniel JHaller GabeHankinson Todd CIantosca MarkIskandar Bermans JJackson Eric MJea Andrew HJohnston James MKeating Robert FKhan NickalusKrieger Mark DLeonard Jeffrey RLimbrick David D JrMaher Cormac OMangano Francesco TMapstone Timothy BMcComb J GordonMcEvoy Sean DMd Gregory G HeuerMenezes Arnold HMuhlbauer MichaelO'Neill Brent ROakes W JerryOlavarria GregPark Tae SungRagheb JohnRn Thanda MeehanSadler BrookeSelden Nathan RShah Manish NShannon Chevis NSkidmore AlexSmith JodiSmyth Matthew DStone Scellig S DStrahle Jennifer MTuite Gerald FWait Scott DWellons John C IIIWhitehead William E
Date: June 18, 2021Please create a free account or log in to view this item
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